Monday, August 30, 2010

Reading is Fun for Us

Recently I've been aghast at how horribly my amount of reading has decreased. There was a point where one to two books a month was normal and the pages turned in rapid succession. However, lately it has been tough to find time to get through even one book, the problem being that the book I've been stuck on is 800 pages long and I have no desire to go through more of it at the moment. So I decided to put it aside, since I have a decent enough memory to pick books up later on and remember all of the important details, and start reading a new book.

The book I started reading is the incredible Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem.
The story revolves around a low level thug with Tourette syndrome. There is a huge back story and Lethem does a great job of making you feel for the main character and his life/losses, mind you I am only 60 pages in so far. That is the part that astounds me the most, I am barely into this novel and I care for the protagonist and feel as though I have met him before. Lethem plays games with the English language and makes it dance unlike any author I have come across and it is much to the delight of the reader. Listening to the jumbled thoughts of Lionel, the protagonist makes it seem like authors nowadays take the easy way out when it comes to writing. Each sentence is a breath of fresh air to the mundane writing style that is descriptive story telling. Lionel describes each and every event in ways that don’t confine themselves to the norm and it makes reading his life so enjoyable. As I said I am only 60 or so pages in so I can’t really say too much about the story because all there has been is one plot point and a lot of back-story to make you feel for Lionel. I will definitely post again when I finish the book, hopefully in the next two weeks or so. As far as I can tell the book is going to be full of twists and great writing so go check it out if you’re looking for something new in the fiction world.

Speaking of books, the new Kindle 3 has officially launched and I fully plan on getting one. At a price point of $139 for the Wi-Fi only version or $189 for the Wi-Fi/3G version I can’t see why not to get it. Books instantly become cheaper, the device is sexy, you save room, it’s good for the environment, the list of pros goes on and on and on. Hopefully by late September or early October I’ll have my hands on my own Kindle 3 and I’ll be able to tell you about it from a student’s/avid reader’s perspective. Also, expect to see my post about the Vibram Five Fingers sometime in December, probably around Christmas. Cheers.

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