Monday, August 23, 2010

Third Time is a Charm

You know things are going smoothly when you're able to post three times in three days, a good sign indeed. I'm going to keep today's post brief but I'd like to share some awesomely awesome things I've found on the internet recently.

First up are the incredibly strange looking but immensely interesting Vibram FiveFingers. These are basically barefoot active footwear. They can be used for just about any type of outdoor activity (check the site for specifics) and they will certainly be great ice breakers. The basic idea behind the funky footwear is that shoes stop people from experiencing the sensation of being barefoot and restrain the foot from reaching its peak condition. Vibram footwear are specially made to disperse the impact on the foot to grant the wearer with the sensation of walking barefoot but with the protection of a sole. I know a few people who have tested them out and say that the sensation is unlike anything else around and that FiveFingers do great things for leg muscles and posture. Since I am not 100% convince I decided to buy a pair of the men's KSO brand in the upcoming months and I'll be sure to test them out for a bit and give my verdict on the freaky looking things.

Technology is an amazing phenomenon, and something that has always seemed cool is when people use technology to bring together two eras from the past. In Silent Star Wars, a video on Youtube that blends together the greatness of Star Wars with the always fun silent movie. It's a fun three minute video that is definitely worth a look and more than warrants a full feature in my mind.

Speaking of movies Darren Aronofsky has a new movie coming out December 1st starring Natalie Portman called Black Swan. The movie is being labeled as a psychological thriller and tells the story of two dueling ballerinas in the cutthroat New York dance scene. Now I understand that the previous statement sounds like sarcasm but I assure you there was none intended. This movie looks incredible and Aronofsky, director of The Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream, is without a doubt one of my favorite directors. Seeing what he could do with The Wrestler and its gritty tale makes me unbelievably excited for Black Swan, a movie that looks like a complete 180 from The Wrestler. The movie explores the twisted and dark mind of Portman's character as she goes from being the top dancer to 2nd best. Only Aronofsky could make a movie about dancing so enticing and I guarantee you come December 1st I'll be at the theaters.

As always please email me at with any comments, questions, etc and comment on either the post itself or on my facebook, read it and tell your friends. Spread the love.

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